Dr. Tamas Lajtner
Phyiscs Theories Doomed?
19 False Axioms of Physics by  Dr. Tamas Lajtner
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Are latest physics theories created by mainstream scientists doomed to failure? Yes, they are. Why? Because mainstreamers use any old axiom without thinking thoroughly. In physics everything is based on some ancient opinions (axioms). What if some of them are false?
Let us take an example. Newton's First Law of Motion is an axiom.
Is this axiom right? Yes? What makes you think so?
Axioms are human opinions. They are disputable.
Examples of false axioms of physics
- The vibration of particle does not cause reaction in space. False. Space does have a reaction. It waves.

- Gravity is the curvature of spacetime. False. Gravity is the different forces between different space waves.

- Dark energy acts as antigravity. False. Gravity act as antigravity.

- Time is a given dimension created at the creation of the Universe. False. Time is a cooperation of matter and space, it is a continuous creation..
Space waves
We know from quantum mechanics that particles of matter are in constant vibration. In our academic physics this vibration has no impact on space. This action remains without reaction. This is an axiom of modern physics and it must be false.

It is a physical impossibility for matter to come into contact with space without vibrations having an effect. Based on the Casimir Effect  and other physical phenomena we can state that space exists in waves and vibrations. Space waves.
Matter changes the wavelengths of space waves
Mass creates space waves. The wavelengths of space wave depends on the velocity (or density) of mass. Faster mass, longer wavelength.
Gravity is made by space waves
The big mass (e.g. Sun)  makes the frequency of Space waves smaller on the left side of the small  mass (e.g. Mars). On the other side of the small mass, the frequency of Space waves is greater. The greater frequency moves the mass forward.
Or even more clearly, although the statement may sound less scientific "You'll get a slap that sends you flying!" If the small planet gets four slaps from the right and one from the left, it will move left.
Accelerating Universe caused by gravity
Slow mass, short wavelength of space wave
Fast mass, longer wavelength of space wave
Tap the pics.
The accelerating Universe can be explained with Space waves. The growing acceleration measured in the Universe comes from the growing wavelengths of Space waves between galaxy clusters, since gravity of moving mass makes Space waves longer.
Time is permanent creation
Time is created by the cooperation of space and matter.
There is no way putting space and mass together without action and reaction coming into being. Or in wider meaning there is no way putting space and matter together without time coming into being.
Mass has constant velocity in space -- from the viewpoint of space wave and from the viewpoint of  mass.
Would you like to know more about false axioms?
Read the book entitled "
Mainstreamers' Phyisc Theories Doome?" by Dr. Tamas Lajtner.
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The e-book is free to read on Amazon
© Dr. Tamás Lajtner All Rights reserved 2020. WGA Registry.